Your (Potential) Investor’s Business Model

“[O]ne thing I should tell you is that our approach is our approach, and we don’t even claim it’s the right approach.”-Jeff Bezos, 9/6/12, on Amazon’s business model Different investors have different business models. Everyone runs their business differently. I believe that this is important for founders to remember as they raise money. It sounds …

Quick Thoughts on Acquihires/”Soft Landings”

We are now spending a decent amount of our time helping companies with acquihires and “soft landings.” Here are some quick, random thoughts: We think of “acquihires” and “soft landings” differently. In “acquihires”, investors get their money back and possibly more. Founders still have leverage and options when negotiating with acquirers. In “soft landings,” investors …

The Best Thing I’ve Read in 5 Years

I’ve read a lot on investing and startups since I started about 5 years ago. Along with Fooled by Randomness, this is my favorite piece that I’ve read on business and putting things in perspective: The Trap of Marginal Thinking by Clayton Christenson. Some excerpts: The language of the disruptive attackers was completely different: “It’s …